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The Importance of Forgiveness and How to Forgive

Along with Jesus’ teaching on love is his teaching on forgiveness. Forgiveness is an important part of Christianity. When you have wronged someone or someone has wronged you, a wall forms causing problems in families, marriages, and...

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How to Strengthen Your Faith Amid a Crisis

Whether you’re struggling to cope with the pandemic or you’re just having a tough week, how can you find hope and continue to worship the Lord? In this unprecedented year, you may find that your stress and anxiety levels are higher than...

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Getting Back On Your Feet After Failing

Failures are an inevitable part of our lives, whether it’s losing your job or watching your relationship fall apart. It’s tough to deal with failures, but it can also be a great motivation to do better next time. Failing at anything can be a...

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Why You Should Pray When You’re Feeling Down

Sometimes we feel so down and defeated when life circumstances seem to be out of our control. At some point, most of us have felt this kind of defeat. There are simple ways to feel a little better and lighter, but you can never go wrong with...

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Peaceful Interactions with Non-Believers

“’re Christian?” We’ve heard many variations of these from non-believers, and it’s understandably frustrating at times. Nu ViZion World Harvest Ministries Int'l, for one, has heard complaints from our members about how...

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Tips to Revive Your Relationship with God

Life can get tough and busy sometimes, and in the middle of trying to keep ourselves sane, we tend to drift away from God. If you are worried about not being “into” worship lately or being absent from your prayer meetings, don’t be. God...

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